Mark & Drew - Gone but not Forgotten
Trailer Now on Tubi. YouTube version censors the sex scene & curse words. Sweet, romantic gay love story. I'm watching it now for maybe the 5th time. Once with my boyfriend. He noticed a blooper. Ranger logo missing on door early in film. If that's the only bad thing you can say, must be a great movie. A must-see. I just finished it on Tubi. I can't wait to show my boyfriend the full sex scene. Around minute 47. I can't stop smiling. UPDATE We skipped to the unedited sex scene. My boyfriend thought it was about to end. Then it got more intense. Three times. Like edging. Then climax. I touched him throughout the sex scene. When it was over. I let the movie play on again. And I kept touching him. I figured out the blooper. Drew's SUV has the forest service decal on driver side door, not the passenger door. And his brother Paul's vehicle has the logo on both sides. I think. My attention was divided.