On my Mind for Christmas

Heavy frost on the car windows
Biting chill in the air
Icy clouds in the sky
Warm heart in this chair
Ruminating on you
Over-thinking about you
I'll never get over you
And I don't intend to

Cold steam rises from the lake
Billows shaped like hearts
So quiet        Holding hands 
You can hear a bird chirp
Floating in the crispness of my mind
Christmas is 6 weeks away
You already know my first gift
Gay shopping in another town
Road trip for intimates
All the way inside & out

All the leaves have fallen
Only Christmas trees wear clothing
We're exposed as gay lovers
Gay shopping for gay Christmas
Some things you know you're getting
Like kisses & unmentionables
We're both vulnerable

Same as you got me last year
I'm giving you fire & desire
Passion & commitment
I can't wait to see
What outfit you pick out
You sashay in sexy lingerie
Fog on the runway
You on my mind for Christmas.


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