After Thanksgiving

Lay your head on my heart
Don't say a word if it's over
Just let it hurt
Let it sober you up
Soon after Thanksgiving

Good times we don't forget 
At the beach in the sun
In the forest on the lake
Skinny-dipping in the nude
On the trail to secret love
But most of all in the parking lot
Where we met after Labor Day

Tumultuous bliss until after Thanksgiving
When we broke up first 
Boy did it hurt    Fast I got sober
Couldn't find the right words
Until after New Year's
Hello...... I still love you
Calling to make sure you're okay
Back together by St Patrick's Day

We got drunk on Love
Don't say a word     It's not over
Let's have another drink
Another chance at a dirty dance
We won't be sober
But this year We will be together
After Thanksgiving.


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