Love poem about a one-night-stand. Written 5 centuries ago. As a bird eats from your hand, you both enjoy the moment. In bed with a lover, you both enjoy the moment. After orgasm, you both know it's over. She moves on to the new. You move on by habit. You question whether she was sincere or faking it. Like the bird, was it only physical? ❤️ Other meanings. Think of each line as a musical measure. Iambic pentameter = 10 syllables (beats) = Line 1. Lines 2 & 3 have 9 syllables but Also 10 beats. Every line has 10 beats. But some are syncopated. Tension - Release. The 10-syllable lines are like the major chord, happy chord, release. The others are like minor or dominant chords, sad or distressed, tension. 😁 I don't see a meaning in the rhyme scheme. ABABBCC. -------------------- They Flee From Me BY SIR THOMAS WYATT (1502 -1542) They flee from me that sometime did me seek With naked foot, stalking in my chamber. I have seen them gentle, tame, and meek, That now are wild and ...