You don't have to knock

Door to my heart was locked 
You knocked hard that day
When I answered I was afraid 
My little hairs stood up straight 
Goose bumps from thin air 
Heart racing like NASCAR 
Body warning me of something 
Beware the red hair 

Life has taught me not to listen 
Different source. Different story 
Take another crazy chance 
You sure look like trouble 
Like my problem ex's I should say 
But you're not them
You don't think or act like them
Sex is not your weapon or reward 

But rather an expression of love 
Something you like thinking of
My body was warning me
Beware the red hair 
Now the red has turned gray 
We love more intensely every day 
You changed me dramatically 
The goose bumps were wrong

Door to my heart I leave unlocked 
Since we tied the knot 
Connected by ropes of love 
You don't have to knock.


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