
Showing posts from September, 2023

Programmed to be Ashamed

I grabbed you Stopped you from stepping In front of a car   In front of the store Driver stopped    Looked right at us We crossed You scold me for touching you I explain We are so programmed To be ashamed of being gay Only you think it was a gay gesture You're getting old You're half deaf You weren't paying attention Your friend next to you grabbed you Totally appropriate Up til then you were touching me Left & right  I felt pride working as a team I thought you wanted to be seen  Awareness precedes change It's conditioning  You're programmed to be ashamed We'll keep working on it.

The Passion of Honesty

Honesty has passion Naked to the universe Truth is vulnerable Exposed to the elements Raw wind & rain & acclaim Pleasure & pain & disdain On display to enjoy or disgust Stardust made out of trust Solar wind carries confidence Gay love Universal romance Honesty makes it happen My heart rocks when it docks with yours My soul smokes when it tokes with you I sweat in a hot flash You quake & quiver As my whisper delivers Sweet nothings that are true Such as I will always love you Honest & bombastic Flawed & raw & naked In this world & the universe Again I promise to be honest So let the passions flow.

Claude & Brad - Found love in the street

I found love in the street. I cleaned him up. He loved me back. He left me. He came back. I forgave him. We found each other. We loved some more.

How many times I forgive

How many times can I forgive you? All of 'em If you cry Promise to try Show remorse Plot a new course Express sorrow Hope for tomorrow If you look me in the eye Hold my hand at the same time If you feel bad You made me sad You created doubt I thought you wanted out Something you can't live without Me?  Dammit I believe you I have faith That's why I forgive you How many times? All of 'em.

Humble Pride

Humble Pride The chariot I ride with beautiful bride Across the sky The promise I made How special it was What we have is love And proud of it We want the world to know about it We also know love is fragile We could lose it as we found it By chance on the street At any minute Same for a million couples Yet it takes us by surprise When we don't expect it We embrace it Grateful we found it Humble we don't deserve it So proud we can't contain it The chariot I ride with you  Across the sky of no goodbyes  I write this message   True  Love     Humble  Pride 

That hit the Spot

Oh yeah I'm lying back relaxing In my lazy boy chair Your whisper seduces my ear Rhythm & rhyme & beer ooo LaLa      That hit the spot Yeah right there      Go down a little I'm trying to relax the muscle Lazy boy in a chair Oh yeah       We're touching  Suddenly my heart is lusty  Pounding like the rain Throbbing in my brain ooo LaLa       You hit the spot Oh yeah       Right there On time       In tempo Backstage      My solo That's the spot      ooo LaLa Oh yeah      Right there  ! Thanks for coming over That hit the spot Relax       Stay a while  Drink another beer Let's get to know each other 

Settle for Love

♥️ I found love. But I had to settle for it. I tossed my expectations, requirements & conditions. I want more. I deserve more. I want love plus live-in boyfriend plus husband plus hairy bottom ++++.  In order to have love, I had to settle for love. Someone who loves me less. But still wants to spend time with me. He still wants sex with me  My choice wasn't between love & love plus. The choice was some love or no love. I settled for love 💕  I'm glad I did. In 19 years it has grown. A bumpy ride. Now I'm 59 he's 69. He's my muse. I have so much love I direct it into poems & original gay content. I see him once a week. An all-day date. Romantic getaway once a year or two. I gave up random hookups & std's. I settled for just love. I settled for less. I'm glad I did. 💋  I guess I'm saying.... Less is more. To find love, you must settle for love. ♥️

Cushions of Romance

Take another chance I will catch you in a hopeful hug I will trust you When you give a reason My heart will break your fall I will fluff the Cushions of Romance  My hands will grab you My arms embrace you My kisses will promise To protect & respect To bond with you So fond of you Let your hair in the wind flow Have faith in me I too fell in love long ago On pillows of second chances The moment of delight I saved the last dance Your heart will break my fall  I fluff the Cushions of Romance

Love is gonna hurt

What advice would you give The young generation? LOVE IS GONNA HURT  Your head will ache When you think about it Your heart will throb When you least expect it Your body will be sore the next day Love is gonna hurt your feelings But you will do it anyway So get over the pain fast If the romance is to last You will feel betrayed When your lover cheats You will forgive him  He will be redeemed Faith is the fountain of trust Love hurts   Why bother? I did it for the smile  When my truck threw a rod But made it home     Who cares? Hottie is in the house I do it for the thrill Of touches in forbidden places For the passion of honesty  Love is gonna hurt your feelings You should do it anyway.

Love is like a Lava Lamp

Edgy or over the edge A thought or a feeling What am I to you? All yes all the time I take you to the limit We set new records We push the envelope We establish new standards In our hearts we elope Our bodies are filled with hope You're a dime in a paradigm shift Some people don't like that We should be ashamed Unhappy & ugly What? They want me to shut up No say whatever you want Just not in public Double talk & double standards Soft bubbles & sharp edges  Love is like a Lava Lamp Sooner or later Your bubble gets popped.

The secret I was hiding

The secret I was hiding You found me out I feel so much better But you don't I feel released from prison Driven to the gates of Heaven Never again will I have to Mince my words to be misconstrued I feel so free like sunny weather But you don't The secret you don't care about The hiding creates the doubt You feel betrayed & trapped Can I be trusted?   Sure I feel better But you don't Kisses & touches     Not this time  Trust is deeper than that Sincerely I apologize To your eyes       I was wrong If your feelings are hurt So are mine Trust me with another chance Let me make you feel better And you do

My Dream Come True

You were my dream come true Friend with benefits on the down low  Buddy to hook up with on the regular  We would live separate lives Otherwise we would have broke up I just know it But I've been wrong before You need your space So do I       You need my embrace I need your sky blue eyes Your sunburned face Old injuries & brand-new scrapes You pull your panties aside Romantic getaway deep inside I pretend-proposed to you again today Will you gay marry me? You said Yes a dozen times  Necklace & a white wedding dress Not quite the right size  Needs tailoring by a seamstress To fit your perfect body I've been wrong before Yeah this time I don't think so You are my Dream come True

Chaturbate Boyfriend

You date a guy for 6 months. You discover him online earning income in adult chaturbate webcam. You confront him. You feel he's cheating on you. No he's not. No meetups with any viewers. He's not ashamed. He apologizes for not telling you. You forgive him. He gives you a private session ♥️💋💕  Were you cheating when you went online looking for action? He forgives you. Just love!

Wedding Dress Proposal

♥️ Normal guys propose with an engagement ring. Normal? I propose with wedding dress & necklace from the thrift store. 💕 Circumstances don't allow us to marry. But I talk about it a lot 💋🌈🌹 Will you be my pretend wife? Will you share my future?

The older I get

The older I get The slower I step Both shoulders are wet From salty tears All the times we cried How many ways we lied We betrayed & fibbed We said You deserved it How many times I'm sorry How many fears from worry I forgive with every kiss You forgive my broken promise With every touch  We're young again The older I get The more I want you And here you are In my arms My muse The years have dried the tears Romance has persevered The older we get The more we love

Love blog Anniversary present

I never loved anyone as much or as long as I've loved you. The seasons change. We remain in love forever. Thank you very much.

Love Like September

It's September again Remember when we met So many years ago Now forget it for a minute Focus on how we stay together How I listen to your kisses You glisten as my Mrs I seduce you every day Like I did that September Forget how we met How do we stay together? Can I see you again? I can't promise forever Except in poetry But I guarantee The Now & the Next Time We keep seeing each other For one reason only We feel like it Let's not lose the feeling Stoke the embers Love like September We stay together 

Love makes it all happen

Like an oak tree  It grows tall in the forest And fat in the meadow As the grass carries the wind Out here in the open The sun makes it all happen But inside my heart You drive the car I'm your passenger You are my lover On the highway You hold my hand On the back road I ride shotgun Alone I stand tall With you in trust I fall In the meadow Your picnic in the afternoon The wind is gusty & lusty Under a shady fat oak Romance brings us close Like the sun Love makes it all happen

We love like Mission Impossible

We love like Mission Impossible We live the impossible dream Always in the dark Intrigue & twisted plots Not what I was expecting Should have known from the sexting It was A.I.      But you're real We pretend to be something else Until we get behind locked doors You might be a double agent We're halfway there Put the gun on the dresser Clothes drop to the floor Double check the locked door And the curtains From the drawer comes the lingerie You're a crossdresser Makes me want you more How can this passion be possible? Hot mess of honesty Suspense in every minute When will we get caught? And who will care? We love like Mission Impossible.

The Perfect Love Song

Is it right OR is it wrong? The start of a great love song Whatever we have      Should we? Are we supposed to be happy? Is that our purpose in life? Is this our latest love song? Let's get it on My heart   You can rest on My soul   You depend on My body    Not so much Add it all up     Run the numbers   1 Gay + 1 Trans = 1 Queer Couple Is it right OR is it wrong? Who knows?    Who cares anymore? We do but try not to Look all around us Broken hearts & sadness But you & me have ultimate bliss Is it right OR is it wrong? To be so blessed  We are the perfect love song

More Snazz

More snazz in the snare drum Is that what we need? More spunk in the trunk More risk in the dare More flame in the flare More lust in the stare Is that what you want? More air than smoke  More yes than no More fire in the oven Open BBQ pit of loving Will that fix something? More smack in the talk More kiss behind the wall More crack than brief Lie back for relief More trust in the truck More romance in love Is that what we need? More breath on the window Less regret to swallow More snazz in the snare More whiz for the wear More hugs at home To you I read this poem Whose heart plays the drums tonight? Who sings the solo? Duet of romance & love  Will more snazz make it better? Or just more snazzy.

Your heart is my company

Isolated & standing alone In a crowd standing room only Like the ocean is a desert My arms are empty Alone without you My eyes are blood shot I stare into space all around me I'm stranded on a desert island But somehow I'm not lonely Your heart is my company You are my rescue My oasis in all places When your love is waiting for me I'm never lonely Your heart is my company.

I Am Sure

I love you only I'm not sure why But I am sure In the closet Behind locked doors On the street     Out on a limb I am sure In a sea of temptation Free of limitation Alone at a crowded beach You were out of reach I never doubted for a second That you love me like Heaven I'm not sure why If ever I will know But I am sure Forever I love you only Separation tears me apart Love gives patience to the heart I'm not sure why I love you But I am sure.

Hello is for Tonight

If this is goodbye    Turn out the light Show yourself out   But if you love me In any amount     Stay a while  Leave the light on   Listen to my song From my lips to your kiss Holding on for your bliss I kept another promise I'm hanging on with my dear life To every word in your mouth If you love me in any amount Lock that door     Turn around  Say Hello with caution Listen to my song No reason for any doubt If you love me in any amount Let it grow with each promise I keep Allow yourself to fall in love so deep Let the light glow Goodbye is for Tomorrow  Hello is for Tonight.

When your body does the talking

Shut up & listen up When your body does the talking What have your lips to say? Good morning Scooch over this way Smooch to start the day Cuddle until we can't Let's take a shared bath Your fingertips communicate what? Looking for the right spot You found it  I hear your body talking I listen carefully It has a lot to say Teach me Show my body what you want I shut up & learn how Passion speaks without consonants Only vowels When your body does the talking I shut up & listen up How to make love I'm a fast learner.

Almost at the same time

Almost at the same time  We kiss in the abyss of loneliness I squeeze your hand Your fingers touch Your body feels We say I love you Almost at the same time We hug in the truck I reach around for excuse Your breath fogs my judgment Your eyes behold mine Almost at the same time Mine don't look away Neither do yours We mean business  I will do the bad things you want Makes it hotter when you're upfront I fell in love like an idiot I'm not the only one who did it Behind the billboard We scored We lost our minds Almost at the same time We fell in love when we kissed  Almost at the same time.

I'm Not Faking My Love

♥️ I'm Not Faking My Love 💕 July 3, 2022 Love-making Risk-taking  Heart-breaking Earth-shaking  Passion & Romance I'm Not Faking  Sex & Trust I'm Not Faking my Love When my finger touches your forearm I'm Not Faking When my elbow bumps into yours I'm Not Faking When I kiss you on your lips I'm Not Faking When I hold you by your hips I'm Not Faking my Love Risk-taking Heart-breaking Earth-shaking Chance-taking Passion & Romance Sex & Trust  I'm Not Faking  What about you? Are You Faking your Love? When my finger touches your forearm Are You Faking? When my elbow bumps into yours Are You Faking? When I kiss your lips  Are You Faking your Love? My Heart may break The Earth may shake  But My Love is not Fake  Love-making Risk-taking Heart-breaking Earth-shaking I'm Not Faking my Love  I'm Not Faking my Love-making I'm Not Faking  My Love is not Fake Love-making Risk-taking Heart-breaking Earth-shaking  I'm Not Faking my Love.

Break another Rule

Take another toke Break another rule Write another poem To alert all the fools I'm in love with one man Is that really a good plan? All my eggs in one basket It's a big basket Lots of straw & wicker To sustain the flicker To start another fire Long ago goodbye  Knock on my door Scrambled eggs inside Break another rule Take another toke Love hard like a fool Home school    Happy home Compose another poem Make another mistake Fall in love with you again.

What will we do?

When faith & romance dry up Where railroad tracks run out The end of the line What will we do? Start walking    Dead reckoning  When the river reaches the sea In a banged up boat With the one who loves you What will we do? Find a shady beach to rest on When the days grow short The sun goes to bed early Cold air & cold feet What will we do? Build a fire in the heart When sadness makes us cry Separation makes us wanna die The future is empty of hope What will we do? Reach out & behold The one who loves you Take my hand     I'm your refuge Let's start over somewhere else.

Never Stop Trying

I will never stop trying When I hurt your feelings My heart never stops crying When your kiss gives me healing My soul never stops flying With love above the fray Two bodies in a melee Stop       Tell me       Time out Say it or show it     Put up or put out One embrace in the clouds Together floating confused as Hell I'll never stop trying When I hurt your feelings My heart never stops dying Until your kiss gives me hope Above the fray   We fly Two spirits in the sky The sun never stops rising We never stop trying.

How to love myself - Teach me


Love Cannot Be Exaggerated - Dec 18 2022


Love is a Cliché

Love is a cliché You never get tired of A phrase with sashay You're never quite sure of Pink rose in a glass vase Necklace and a red dress Black panties and a bra You're my shining star These words I say to you Hackneyed but just as true Worn out and overused They all mean the same I love you Like the stars overhead Roses in a flower bed As the full moon rises On a clear horizon Your hand in my hand Your peach my fruit stand In vino veritas Filled with love to the top These words I say All mean the same I love you Love is a cliché You never get tired of A phrase with sashay You're never quite sure of.

Build a Fire

I want you to desire me So I build a fire In this ring of stone Rusty stove of the heart Red hot embers Conspire to create desire For the trans in my arms Petite ginger handsome Holds my heart ransom I must give a day of kisses Then a night of love-making I build a fire Smoke screen appears dire Romantic way of saying I love & want you Red hot ember of desire I build a fire.

Nous voilà

Je suis fatigué de l'anglais J'ai pris la décision Sans revenir de l'avenir  D'écrire en français Un tout petit peu     Quelquefois  L'argot que j'ai appris au lycée Il y a je sais pas combien d'années Nous voilà      Toi et moi  La langue d'amour je parle  Je t'aime     Je t'adore Je pense aux hommes  Avec toi je danse A toi je donne mon âme Dans mon coeur je rêve de toi  Coucher le soleil Ensemble dans la chambre Rien à cacher     Nous voilà Salut      Comment ça va? On fait quoi?     D'accord Nous voilà  Le parler romantique se va bien. TRANSLATION I'm tired of English I've made the decision Without coming back from the future To write in French Just a little bit      Sometimes  The jargon I learned in high school Don't know how many years ago Here we are      You & me The language of love I speak I love you      I adore you I think about men With you I dance To you I give my soul In my heart I dream of you The setting sun