Torn between 2 lovers

Keven. It's out of love that I share my opinion. Your Grindr guy video is not isolated & is connected to your Italian guy (7 dates, your feelings are hurt, you break up). The reason you couldn't do it with Grindr guy is your relationship with Italian dude. You're supposed to settle down with the European guy. 

Your body & psyche won't let you hook up with anyone else. In both cases you made accusations. He made me feel a certain way. Remember.....if the accused is presumed innocent..... therefore the accusor is presumed to be lying. So everyone is skeptical of your version of the story. The accused aren't here to tell their side. Of course no one believes you.....yet. Because you're monetized, people suspect your motives & integrity. 

You are experiencing trauma from your breakup with Italian guy. You have to resolve it by talking to him. So you can move on. Or you two can move on together. I understand my comment sounds bossy. I'm trying to get to the point. You're invoking group identity to support your victim status ( LOVE has confused you). 

Your next video should be co-hosted by Mr Dream-come-true Italian dude from Europe. This is such a wonderful opportunity for you. Of course Love is sensitive. Please patch things up with the guy you went on 7 dates with. 

If Mr Dreamy is reading this comment, contact Keven. Tell him how much his hurt feelings are hurting your heart ❤️


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