About the Blogger
Saturday at the grocery store, I was recognized from 50 years ago. In 3rd grade I was runner-up in the George Rogers Clark School spelling bee. Misspelled "shep(h)erd". Came back to win it 4th & 5th grades. So I've been a minor local celebrity ever since.
People placed their hopes in me. They hoped a bright at-risk kid from a reverse-gentrified neighborhood -- poor families moved into large historic houses -- would make a difference. Did I achieve my promise? Was there return on your emotional investment? I think so.
I failed 6th grade. Promoted to 7th anyway. Alternative school in 8th. I dropped out in 9th grade. Had an epiphany. Recommitted. Made new friends with the smart rich kids. I attended high school in a RACIAL WAR ZONE of gay-bashing. I persevered. I survived with physical scars.
What did people think I would do? Grow up & eliminate the communist loophole of the Constitution (Eminent Domain), which devastated the urban landscape & civic psyche. Or maybe speak against an existence tax called Revenue Sharing. Or explain that democracy -- the popular vote -- the AT-LARGE district -- is racist. That's why so many local governments switched to democracy.
If you wanted me to shake things up, I've certainly done that. I wrote the most dangerous book in America. Because it tells the truth about August 12, 2017 in Charlottesville Virginia. You know. The current president campaigned in favor of the local racist govt that orchestrated a race riot. The president at the time was criticized for not taking sides.
Back to me. In the last couple years, I didn't turn gay. I just stopped hiding it. Indeed I leaned into it. I'm retired from politics..... mostly. I wrote the book so I could move forward. So we all can move forward.
Hidden In Plain Sight The color PDF 168 pages 10 megs. Totally Free. You can order print versions. Page 100 is the Gay Page, where in 2003 I came out of the closet in the newspaper with my gay marriage platform.
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