Troy 2004 gay subplot

Perseus - I've met a hundred men like you.
Achilles - No you haven't.....Can I tell you a secret? The gods envy us......We will never be here again.
Perseus - I thought you were a dumb brute. I could have forgiven a dumb brute.
Achilles - Do it !
Perseus - (knife to Achilles' throat) Aren't you afraid?
Achilles - No....(They make love).....(Later mortally wounded) You gave me peace in a lifetime of war.

"Troy" 2004. Timeless love story. Beautiful queen Helen of Sparta elopes with hottie prince to Troy. Sparks a 10-year war. Achilles' gay lover (cousin in the film) is slain by the prince's brother. Enraged Achilles turns the tide of the war.


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