On Deposit

What am I doing now?
I'm practicing my lies
Not for you or him
But for them. His family 
The reason he's in the closet 
Where my Love is on deposit 

We're getting our story straight 
We discussed it already 
We conspire to deceive his family 
The reason he's in the closet 
Where my Love is on deposit 

The plan is so daring & bold
My hand trembles as I pen this poem 
Contemplating gay kisses in public 
Gay Pride festival in another town 
We're on the down-low 
Still we want to walk around 
Be seen by all but not recognized 

He will wear a pretty dress & lipstick 
As my sexy fabulous girlfriend 
Like a disguise. Please don't out him
I'll be by his side. Famous blogger 
Fancy macho tattoos on both arms
Pride will flow from our gay hearts

What am I doing now? I'm planning 
The Greatest Thrill of my Partner's Life
Where my Love is On Deposit.


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