Love in Country - 2023

When your co-workers find out you're gay, they secretly tell everybody. Acquaintances & strangers alike. Why? They're hoping someone will gay-bash you but they don't have the balls to do it themselves.

So somehow in this military drama action film, other units know that your unit has a gay couple. At the cocktail lounge, here come the gay insults & fighting. 

I only watched the first half hour of the 2-hour movie. I'm taking a break. And I don't want to give away any spoilers but I will if I review the whole movie. Love in Country on Tubi.

I finished it. Very powerful! It was not the gay version of "Platoon". In Platoon, all those things did happen BUT not to one platoon. So it was over the top. Whereas "Love In Country" is more believable, focusing on a single squad selected for an elite mission.

Remember..... A weak story needs great actors. A great story can be told by anyone.


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