Contemplate Tomorrow

Remember yesterday
Contemplate Tomorrow 
Here I am in the middle 
Why without you is it a riddle?

We had so much fun yesterday 
When we found ourselves alone
Suck the oxygen out of the room 
That's why I need my own platform 
No fear of showing gay affection 
Looking only in one direction 
No worry of judgment or doom
Only love-making in the closet 
Where we find ourselves alone

Let the past predict the future 
Contemplate Tomorrow 
Together again an open secret 
Walking & talking slow in public 
Punch a shoulder. Bump an elbow
They can see we're on the down-low 
We have a room somewhere gay
Where passion & taboo go to play 

Yesterday is gone
Contemplate Tomorrow 
The riddle will have its answer
Where were you? 
In the middle of my heart the whole time.


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