About Love

Couple years ago
I was losing my mind
Had nothing to do 
No purpose. No meaning 
No good reason to still be living 

Snap out of it !
I did. I woke up 
I was losing my relationship 
Didn't know what to do 
Disabled on a fixed income 
Can't give you exotic holidays 
Diamond rings or expensive things 
What have I to offer?

Wait a minute !
Maybe there is something 
Poetry & love songs 
Tangible tokens of desire 
The recipe set on fire

At first I wasn't very good 
Took breaks but never gave up
Everyday I wrote about us 
Published a blog. I'm so proud 
We stand out in a crowd 
My words reach through space 
Whenever you click me 
You watch my channel 
I feel the smile on your face 

Couple years ago I was lost
Without purpose or meaning 
No good reason to be living 
But I snapped out of it 
When I started writing to you
About Love.


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