Lips & Solar Eclipse

What says my heart today?
Get out of the way
Careening into a quagmire of desire
My pickup is topped off
Your company is enough
Let's journey to a solar eclipse
Under which I will kiss your lips

Precisely we know the time & place
But our lives are subject to fate
We have backup spots arranged
In case of clouds or rain
I will read in the darkness
A home-made poem of happiness

-- All the bad times we ever had
We held each other's hand
When happy heart turned sour
All of a sudden. I was your lighthouse
Beacon of lovin'. Good times & sunshine
Give it a minute. I was a meteorologist
Now look at us 
Kissing on the lips under a solar eclipse 
In darkness & happiness
You're the one I love --
Theme Song for this Poem
The One -- Terri Clark


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