I'm Not Single
I'm not single
When you said I was
That hurt my feelings
Thought we were a gay couple
Complicated & confused
Long-term on the down-low
For 20 years so it goes
I see what you could have meant
I have so much free time
Your wife & children consume yours
Financially I live alone independently
But think about it
Why didn't I move to Florida or Nags Head?
Because you asked me to stay
To keep seeing you on the regular
You promise to make it so good I don't stray
You're the only reason I'm here
Are you love-shaming me?
Like I was family-shaming you
I was jealous
I wanted to spend more time with you
Today you felt guilty
You have less time to give to me
So you minimize our love
I'm not single
I haven't been since
I committed to gay monogamy
A long time ago
You are my pretend wife
My true love
Away for long stretches
Tending to other loved ones
You love me too
I'm inspired. You're my muse
Embrace & trust what we have
I'm not single
We are a gay couple
Complicated & confused
Our love is rare but true.
(3/22/2024. Gay Love & Romance)
Perks of being a Gay Couple
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