I'm Not Gay - A Musical
You were born gay. Your body turned straight when you were raped as a young teenager. Now you are a gay guy in a straight man's body.
That contradiction leads to self-hatred, shame, prize fighting, drug abuse, mental illness & cutting yourself with the knife your groomer gave you. To cut out the trauma.
Everybody is confused. They think you're gay in the closet. Except your daughter & her mom know about the contradiction. But YOU must accept both sides of yourself to get better.
Psychotherapy takes you to Fire Island. To buy the perfect gay man's house, you must rent & come out by Labor Day. Your daughter coaches you how to pretend to be gay. She breaks the ice with your gay neighbors & some not so gay are also visiting for the summer.
You don't get the house. But you find your sanity. You accept that you're gay & your body is straight. You embrace your gay friends. They accept the true you. Turns out your situation is not that unusual in the gay community. Everyone must learn to accept himself. Or go crazy.
I'm Not Gay: A Musical. 2022. Rated TV MATURE on Tubi. For violence, self-mutilation, persistent sexual content. But redemption & self-discovery.
Beautiful Gays -- I'm Not Gay: A Musical
Bonus Unrelated Track -- I'm Not Gay
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