Then I knew

First sight First glance
Another chance for romance
I wish that's how it was
But it wasn't until the 3rd date
That I knew
I was in love with you

First kiss First grope
First coupling full of hope
That's not how it was
It took a few hookups
Then I knew
I was in love with you

First love letter First poem
First time you came to my home
I wasn't so sure of us
First argument First breakup
Then I knew
I was in love with you

First time you saw me
You exposed your vulnerability
You asked if I was gay
When I said Yes
You caught your breath
As your body said Please

When I knew
I was in love with you
You tricked & deceived me
Because you didn't want to lose me
You lied to others to be with me
You made sacrifices for my heart

Then I knew
I was in love with you.

(1/27/2024. Gay Love & Romance)

Theme Song for this Poem
"If You Don't Know Me By Now"

At first I thought of the Simply Red version because it's more gay. Then I saw the colorful stage costumes for Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes on Soul Train. You just know a gay person designed & seamstressed the outfits for this performance only.


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