Keep on keeping on

Keep on keeping on! My 2024 resolution. 2023 in Review.

I came out as gay on Facebook. Way out. I started a second Gay Love Romance blog. The first one was a collaboration with my lover to save our relationship after we broke up in summer 2022. It worked. The blog ran its course. We're closer than ever.

By the end of the year I started the Gay Poem Podcast as a spin-off to read the love poems & stories. All so my boyfriend can see me & my new content anytime anywhere. And to leave a legacy when I pass away. I won't have a funeral & I will be cremated.

In December I created Blair's Prostate Cancer blog to tell my story. I'm not dead yet. Anyone, my lover or doctor, can read it without being a member of Facebook or anything. I can't write long-form content. I'm too good a writer. Full of braggadocio, piss & vinegar.

Happy 2024 !!! ♥️💋💕🎵🌈🦄🔥

I got to use my imagination
To keep on keeping on 🎵


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