How long can I do this?
I understand that your family, your wife, your job, your home are all more important than me.
But I am f->king you. For 20 years. I need to be way high on your important list. If I call you when I said I would, you need to answer or call me back right away. I start to worry you're taking me for granted. You might be sick or in an accident. Do you even like me anymore?
I want you to feel good about yourself. About us. I want you to feel good about me. Do you? Maybe we should take a break. Right when everything seemed to be going so great. That's how it works out sometimes.
You joke that I won't break up with you because I'm old & ugly. To replace you, I only need to hook up once a week. The rest of the time, I'm alone. You will say I'm sensitive & overreacting. Yes. That's the nature of love.
So I don't know. Thank you for the hot memories. Let's take a break. Unless you want to make up & talk it out. And commit to acting like a lover. Not just an acquaintance with benefits.
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