Fellow Travelers resonates

Fellow Travelers hits close to home in many ways. I'm like Tim, the idealistic single gay nerd weirdo. Hawk is my boyfriend for 20 years but not as slutty. Sneaking around. We go on "fishing trips" to be with each other. It's become an open secret. 

We face mortality. I have prostate cancer & his age is advancing. He was there when I needed him. He is the Great Consuming Love of my Life. Yeah I wrote the most dangerous book in America about Charlottesville Virginia. But my proudest legacy is the 2 gay love blogs of original poetry he has inspired. Nobody, including me, expected such an outpouring of creativity. 

I'm sentimental. He'll be with his family on Christmas. Today he'll be with me. I will read my latest poems to him. Maybe he'll read one to me. I pick out scenes & play them like Hallmark cards when my lover takes a break from being straight. Cued up is the Great Consuming Love scene from Fellow Travelers. ♥️💋💕


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