Better in a Love Letter

If you can't say it to my face
Out loud & proud
Then say it in a letter
Write it down on a piece of paper
I will take you seriously
And make things better
If you compose a love letter

Tell me how you feel if you can
The passion is unseen but real
Feelings are very strong & easily hurt
Thoughts from the heart

What did I do wrong?
Maybe nothing
Perhaps you were in the wrong
Can't say you're sorry
So say it on a piece of paper
Look me in the eye vulnerable
Then hand it to me
I will know you're serious
Your feelings are strong
And they are hurt
I read the message from your heart
As I embrace your soul

If I can
I will speak out loud
If I can't
My heart won't give up
I will write it down
On a piece of paper
Be patient     My lover
Let's work it out
Kiss it & make it better
Say it in a love letter.


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