
I see you sitting at the bar
All by yourself
I'm over here standing at a high table
All alone
My vision is clear
You're a trans in a pantsuit
I've decided I'm getting you
Better get over to the bar
And stand right next to you
Strike up a conversation
You've never heard before
Are you worth a challenge?
If I win  Do I score?

You start walking in my direction 
Like a lady with a strap-on
Right up to my table
I have a hard-time
Literally I lose my breath
But not my confidence
You saw me staring at you
Let's go out to the patio
Why are you here?   Me too
To make a connection
Can I kiss you?  Yes
Let's go back in high to a table
Let the world see us together
I'm hungry    Let's have dinner 
Can I kiss you for dessert?


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