I love you But

I love you but
I'm cheating on you with another man
The memory of you
The two of you look alike
I'm having an affair somewhere gay
In my head when you're far away
I love you both but still
I'm having a fling with another guy
I'm seeing on the side in my mind 
We have history flirting with your body
We're swimming in a wet dream
How I want you for dessert
To protect you from any hurt
Sorry not sorry Sweetie
I'm cheating on you with another man
He looks just like you     He is you 
The promise of you
I want to marry & give you my hand
I do love you but also
I'm in love with another man
I made love to you last night
But you're not here right now 
So I'm cheating on you
With your memory tonight.


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