Pride Backlash

"Nothing more anti gay than the trans movement." 

If you're an effeminate boy, they want to chop off your junk & give you mind altering drugs so you think it's okay. You can never feel the joy of sex, like plastic surgery. You can never orgasm. You can never have gay sex.

In LGBTQ, the T stands for transexual & transvestite, whom we all accept. There is no D for drag queen. The crazy caricature of a woman. Misogyny. Driven by sexual urges. Small children stuff money into drag underwear. Somehow this is promoting equality?

The T has been hijacked by the drag movement & the mutilation movement. So now the LGBQ (Biden's Freudian slip) want to split from the T, confusing it with the D.

Crazy drag queen groomers are the problem. Not the transvestites or transexuals, who we love.

Podcaster Dave Rubin is married to a man. They have 2 young sons through surrogacy. So they are the biological fathers. One son is active. The other is more pensive. Today's anti individual society would give drugs to both sons. To slow you down & to speed you up. As long as you're not the real you.

Jordan Peterson says - Boys should play until exhaustion everyday. They have no problem sitting quietly & paying attention when the content is meaningful.


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