You Saved my Heart

Gambler Rambler Reckless Planner 
Lustful Romantic Boastful Panic

The show goes on in every song
The thrill of doing something wrong 
Every night nervously in love I fall
With adventure & mating calls
The virgin sky I've never seen
A secret place I've never been
Where clouds are love bubbles
Hurt feelings are the troubles

I get dizzy Hold my hand
I stumble hard in love again
With a word I've never heard
An idea unspeakable It's so absurd
The notion of a tingly touch
On my skin but an instant
Can live so long in the distance
Of a downgraded memory

I forgot so much 
I lost so many
Worldly possessions & body
Always I took chances & gambled
You found me in shambles
How an old man rambles
You gave me focus 
My muse
You Saved my Heart.


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