Except for the First Time

I never cheated on you
Sounds like something you say
When you have cheated
There I found myself yesterday
With my lover in my arms 
I was ordering his lingerie
Yes I had sex outside the relationship
It was ok because so did you
You're married with a family 
You didn't tell me at first 
We deceive by omission
But true enough When we met
After 3 dates in 8 days Intense fear 
Sabotage I turned a trick in the park 
Again I made love to you Edgy & Raw
Then I told you I thought it was over 
I can't get rid of you that easy 
You kept coming back to my charms
I gave up other guys for you
When I strayed I told you right away 
Because love is blind & forgiving
We go on living in love 
You never lied to me
I never cheated on you
Except for the First Time.


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