You & Me & Love Persevere

If I could send a message
Back in time
What would I tell myself
The day we met?
Study more / Read more
Run more / Have more fun
Love more

Nice platitudes Dude
Great ass & boobs
But can you be more specific?
How to keep him coming back
To be seduced & risk it

Study what he wears
How he presents himself
Who does he think he is?
Treat him like that person

Study how he looks at you
When you walk into his vision
How a smile appears from thin air
Notice the sweet nothings
He gives to you
Like time & touch for free
Say Thank you

Study his eyes
How he stares at you
You see him
He looks away
Then looks back
Hoping to catch you checking him out
His eyes want to be caught also
Checking you out 

Read him like a romantic character
Presume his better angel
When he talks about stuff
Hear the speech
So you can speak his words back to him
So he will know you're listening 
You're reading his mind
Let his words flow from your mouth 
With understanding & positive spin

Run your own life
Let him run his
Let him run after you
During an argument
Never run away
If his feelings are hurt
Run into his arms
With warm hugs & comfort

Have more fun
With the one you trust more
Than anyone
Confidence from study & reading
Laughing without shame 
Holding him tight in wind & rain
Let him rescue you 
So you can save him from pain
He will suffer at a later date

Though mighty floods
May sweep away everything
What remains covered in mud
You & Me & Love

Desert sun burns intense
With temptation & incense
We forgive & overcome
You & Me & Love

Icy glacier cracks & claims another soul
As I grab you from danger
On the edge of loss
You & Me & Love

We run from persecution
Hope to elope some day
Still together somehow 
You & Me & Love

Study him & do the homework
Read him like a book you've read already 
Discover what you missed before 
Run into his arms
Like he's the one who loves you more

From the future to my old self 
Get this message
The day we met in a parking lot
It might be simple sorcery 
But know this & be reassured

We're still together 
Two decades later
Through breakups & tears
Still the fire in both our hearts
Burns hot with passion & fear

You & Me & Love Persevere.


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