When I Come Home

The spring of everything
The sun gets hotter
Future gets brighter
I come home to you

I think of you all day
Temptation in the air
Tornado season
I drive home to you 

The spring in my step
When a cute guy smiles
Engages me in small talk 
I'm headed home to you

I stopped here for a rest
Of course you're jealous
It's where you & I met
A parking lot of strangers

I know you worry
I might meet somebody
You might lose me again
Nowadays I'm thinking of you only 

Look into my eyes
Feel the weight of my heart
Full of regret to this day
When I cheated in the past

Let me reassure you
Each minute I'm away
I don't want to repeat history
I'm coming home for you

Sometimes I must flirt in daily life
Pleasantries I give away
But I fool around with only one man
I come home to you

The challenge of every day
Temptation & lust
I prove my love Ring on display 
Good faith & trust

I bring home to you 
Honesty & intensity
When I come home
Passion & sincerity

I prove my love
When I come home
I make love to you
When I Come Home
The spring of everything 
I come home to you.


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