Alex & Steven - Gay Adoption

Gay adoption is not one of my issues. But gay couples is the topic of this blog. How they meet & stay together in the face of challenges.

Imagine you are a closeted celebrity & your silent live-in partner wants a baby. Well. You would help him get one. Against your better judgment. Against your own desires. Knowing the gay rumors will intensify. That's the power of love.

When the baby is a toddler, the biological mother takes back the child. Your partner blames you. You're both lousy company at parties. You tell your partner to get out. You hook up with a stranger who kicks you out of his apartment because you're a lousy lay.

You return home. Your partner is still mad at you. He sees how devastated you are emotionally. He consoles you. He holds you. He forgives you without a word spoken. You remember why you're still with this guy. Why you love him.

Eventually the child returns home to you & your partner. You decide to come out of the closet since the public already knows you're gay. You can't hide your family, your pride & joy, anymore. You campaign to legalize gay adoption.

What a ride on an emotional rollercoaster! At the end of it, your stomach might be queazy, but you step off with the man you love & the family you build together.  A family of love greater than you can imagine.


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