Gay Couple Take a Break

This video resonated with me. I shared a gay love blog with my boyfriend for about 6 months. The purpose of the blog was to save our broken relationship. It worked. His pic was in almost every post of us together. Then he didn't want to do it anymore. That blog has run its course & no longer updated.

I started a new blog Gay Love & Romance. My boyfriend remains my silent partner. Now he's my invisible partner also. As long as I refer to him in the abstract, as boyfriend or lover, I'm free to talk about him in a poetic setting. 

Our relationship is deeper than ever before. He was vulnerable. His feelings changed. He felt free to tell me. He wants me to keep writing. He stood by me when I started the first blog. Now I stand by him in his decision to back off social media. Our relationship is better than it's ever been. It's hard to put into words.

Good luck to you two. Of course I will share this video to my love blog. When my boyfriend reads it, we will be closer still. Like you guys will again be soon.


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