David's Poem

His name was David
Walmart cashier
We met at a gay bar in my hometown
An hour from his house
We never hooked up
But I wanted to

We never had small talk
His face lit up when he saw me
When I posed personal questions
I lit up at his answers
And brown eyes & shy smiles
Then he would ask me something
Embarrassed I responded honestly

We only saw each other a few years
A half dozen times a year
We spoke to each other at the bar
I tried to seduce him
With my construction body
With verbal skills focused on romance
I regret not writing him a poem
He could take home to cherish 

No doubt he felt it too
But something was holding him back
He couldn't say what it was
I switched into friend mode
I watched other guys break his heart

Maybe I wasn't attractive enough
Maybe he didn't feel worthy of my love 
Too afraid of the past repeating 
Why he wouldn't give me a chance 
On this topic small talk prevailed

I watched him decline
Medication for depression
I could clearly see bipolar
I called it high-strung 
I wanted to save him
But he wouldn't let me try
He moved away 

I hope You found love & peace
This memory is of You
In this moment I miss You.


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