Call Me by my Real Name

Call out my real name for a change
On our last hookup
We instinctively knew
There was too much role play
Too much name-calling

Call me Andrew because
Andrew Tate in Romania
Was arrested for being a bad influence
On the youth of the world
And he's very sexy

Call me Andrew because
Andrew Henry of Religion For Breakfast
Is so cute with his professorial beard
Scholar speaks of ancient philosophy
Seductive walks among the ruins
So soft & gentle in his Q & A

I want my boyfriend to feel about me
As I feel about these two hotties
He already does
But he doesn't know who they are
Now he knows 
He doesn't see my attraction

My boyfriend also has an alter ego
A preferred nick-name for role play
Aphrodite in the eye of the beholder
He wants to be called Linda
Which in Romance languages
Linda means pretty or beautiful

There you see the dynamic
In our relationship
Here's what happened
Name-calling for 5 minutes
Made us uncomfortable
After the poem "Until Sunrise"

For the rest of the day
In secrecy of my apartment
I called out his real name
I already feel this way about him

He called me out by my real name
Because he already feels that way
Our love is real
So Call Me by my Real Name.


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