You Love Me More

In a place as good as any
A gay bar in another city
Barcode in Richmond Virginia
Time goes by

One guy tells me I'm so hot
Have a friendly shot
I don't want to be rude
I look around the room
I see the time on my phone
I'm tipsy already

The guy is flirting like a hurricane
He knows my boyfriend is on his way
I told him so
I showed my ring
I'm giddy from alcohol and attention
And pleasant conversation

He leans in for a kiss
I give it to him
I see you over his shoulder
You're looking right at me
How long have you been there?
Does it matter?

You got caught in traffic
I got caught in a kiss with a stranger
I was only being polite
While I waited for you
You exit the bar to the street
I run after you
I look both ways and straight across
I look again and again
Both directions and far away
Tears flood my eyes

You've abandoned me for good reason
You saw me kiss another guy
My blurry eyes search for you
I hang my head in shame
I hide my eyes flooded with tears

I turn around to go back into the bar
There you are
You had been standing
In a storefront next door
Watching through window pane
You embrace me tight
Right there on the street
You kiss away that other guy's kiss
You wipe away my tears
Right there for the world to see

I love you I say
I love you more Say you
We walk back into the bar
Holding hands
And flirting with each other
We socialize as a couple
Two men madly in love
Surrounded by temptation
I kiss you on the lips
Each time someone passes

Fresh & Sexy
I belong to you My lover
But please don't leave me
Alone with temptation
Let's go home now
Come back next year
Let's travel together next time
So I won't have to be polite
Everyone will see

I belong to you
As do all my kisses and all my winks
We don't care a lick what others think
Please don't leave me alone
With alcohol and temptation
In a strange place with out of town tail

Lucky for me
I love you with all my heart
Lucky for me
You love me more

Let's go home right now
And give each other all the love
And contact high from this bar
Us kissing & touching in public

I'm so happy I love you
I'm so glad you love me more
Let's go home and make love
Like never before

I love you with all my heart
You love me more
Lucky for me.


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