Subtle Hints of Romance

My heart is floating on a cloud
My soul is singing out loud
Tender thoughts of you & me
Subtle hints of romance

Like sitting too close
Like bumping elbows
A laugh in your face
You laugh right back
Your hand on my shoulder
For a second too long
I want to kiss you
But not here not yet
I settle for subtle hints of romance
Walking slowly side by side
Two stallions in perfect stride

I hang on to every word you say
We stroll down the pathway
Two men in work pants
Subtle hints of romance
We split off to a smaller trail
Subtle hint
Looking for a secluded spot
Subtle hint
To talk about sports if anyone asks
A new perspective & a few laughs

Men enjoy the company of men
Never more than you as my friend
Subtle hints of romance
Lead me to take a chance
In a secluded spot
What we talk about
I have a secret
Something I have to say
I don't want you to feel betrayed
The more I fake it
The more hurt you will be
When you finally find out
I want you to learn it from me

I'm gay 
I have a crush on my straight best friend
I've been dropping hints all day
Some were not so subtle
Now I  lean in slowly 
In case it's a mistake
I kiss you on the lips
You kiss back without recoil 

You say you too have a secret
A crush on your best friend
You've been dropping hints for weeks
He didn't seem to notice
Until today 
A kiss is not subtle
Now we both know with certainty 

We're not best friends anymore
We're boyfriends for sure.


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