Our Eyes Met
You left a mark on my heart
We've never met
But our eyes did
I hope to see you again
I got my groove back
My self-confidence
I'm a little rusty randy & lusty
Dirty old gay man
I see you on a treadmill
In the distance facing to my left
My treadmill points in your direction
Your profile captivates me
Your black beard & straight hair
30 years my younger
I feel my body hunger
I watch you
Where did pep in my step come from?
You spend time with the controls
Then start running
I keep on walking to nowhere
When you look around on occasion
I maintain for a second
Until your glance points at me
Then I look around
As if caught in mischief
Trying to make it look obvious
I look down then back up at you
It's a dance in my mind only
You finish then walk toward me
Pass to my right
I check you out
My head follows your movement
You're petite
A foot shorter than me
Cuter with every sighting
You disappear
I finish the treadmill
On to weight lifting
Just as I start
You're standing in the lobby
Your shorts show your skinny hairy legs
Dumb bells in my hand
I stand there for a minute
Looking in your direction
You have to notice me
I'm rusty randy & lusty
You appear nervous
You look down at your phone
I sit on the bench
I face away
Look into the wall mirror
You seem to be waiting for someone
What can I give to a younger man?
A Bromance A friendship
Yes since my junk don't work anymore
It's dysfunctional but not dead
Guess what does work
My eyes to admire you
Ears to hear your dreams & fears
Nose to smell your sensibility
Arms to hold you in safety
Hands to touch you with assurance
Lips to kiss you on the forehead
My mind to translate my heart
Into words & action
A poet sees you as a poem
An older man as your friend & mentor
I have no sex to offer
While my hands & words
They know how to make love
A little rusty randy & lusty
I'm confident I might get lucky
I got my groove back
I'm cruising at the gym
You have left the building
You left a mark on my heart
We've never met
But our eyes did
I hope to see you again.
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