Love & Romance on a Date

Love and Romance
Together on a raft
They float down the stream
In a naive optimistic dream
Romance does all the work
Paddles the oar
Opens the door
Packs the picnic
The blanket to lay on
Transistor radio of songs
The candles blown out by wind

Love is the silent partner
Invisible force of nature
The smile The beauty
Love looks over at Romance
And says I Love You
Romance replies
What more can I do?

Sit here on this blanket
A beer and a sandwich
Love has reward for hard work
A hard man is a good find
Here's a kiss A touch A hug
A massage for your shoulders
Sweet words from sweet lips
They mean nothing to others
To Romance a sweet nothing
Is the world

Inspiration to work fingers to bone
To build a home for Love
A future brighter by the day
It's a sugar-daddy relationship
Love has the sugar
Romance has the daddy
They complement
They complete each other

When Romance is in Love
He wants to give you stuff
Do favors for you
Give kisses and tender touch

They're in a raft
Floating in a dream optimistic
A love-romance relationship
Every day the forecast calls for 
Better weather by the minute 

Love and Romance Together.


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