Just Drunk Enough

I'm just drunk enough
To go to the gym
Without falling down
On the treadmill 
Look around I look around

I'm just drunk enough
To see someone else
Looking at me 
Fumble with dumb bells 
You notice me
Look around I look around

He's just hot enough
To say Hello
Ask for a spot
Thanks a lot
You're a nice fellow 
I'll see you around
You look around

I'm just drunk enough
To give a big smile
Look deep in your eyes
The 3-second rule
Then look away
Maybe after while

I'm just lusty enough
Rusty I know 
You were watching me
Every smile I let show
I was good enough 
For a second look

After my workout
I'm less drunk than I was
Pumped we both are
In the parking lot
Hotter than before
I stand up straight
Look around I look around 

I'm just bold enough
To say Hello
You want to get some coffee?
Go to the outdoor show?
I'm not drunk anymore 
Unless you count lust
In that case 
I'm just drunk enough

If you count lust
I'm Just Drunk Enough.


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